

I wonder why

I think so

I believe is a dream

a bad one

I believe it’s close to be finished

Or is this just the beginning

I wonder

How much

How many

For how long

Don’t know

how nor why

Just feel it





So loud

So strong

My hands are on fire

It burns

it is so intense

My heart beats so fast

that I can’t even


What I feel is so deep

and black

So heavy

I will make it disappear

I’ll promise you

You will see it vanishing

in fog

And the light will come

True light

White and peaceful

And sadness and envy

will no longer exist

I know it

photo by Pedro Pinto

1 comment:

  1. olá :)

    não percebo inglês, mas o google tradutor dá muito jeito, traduzi e mais uma vez adorei a intensidade das palavras, saiem como chamas da tua alma quente e sincera! :)

    adoro como escreves e transmites as coisas, obrigado por escreveres para eu puder ler :)!

    beijo grande
